admin 8 de Novembro de 2021 Nenhum comentário

Using Contractions in Formal Writing

As a copy editor, the topic of using contractions in formal writing often comes up for discussion. Some may argue that contractions have no place in professional or academic writing, while others may argue that using contractions adds a level of conversational tone and familiarity to the text.

Firstly, let`s define what a contraction is. Contractions are words that are formed by combining two words and replacing one or more letters with an apostrophe. For example, “can not” is contracted to “can`t”, “will not” to “won`t”, and “it is” to “it`s”.

Traditionally, contractions have been considered inappropriate for formal or academic writing. This is because contractions are often associated with casual conversation and informal writing. However, as language evolves, so do our views on what is considered appropriate in writing.

Nowadays, many style guides and institutions have loosened their stance on the use of contractions. In fact, contractions have become more common in business communications, social media updates, and even academic writing.

The key to deciding whether to use contractions in formal writing is to consider the tone and purpose of the text. For example, if you are writing a research paper in a scientific journal, it may be best to avoid using contractions. On the other hand, if you are writing a blog post or a news article, using contractions can make the text appear more casual and engaging.

It`s important to note that using contractions in formal writing does not mean that the text should be littered with contractions. Contractions should be used sparingly and selectively. Using too many contractions can make the writing appear sloppy and unprofessional.

In addition to tone and purpose, it`s also important to consider the audience when deciding whether to use contractions. If the text is intended for a general audience, using contractions can make the text more accessible and relatable. However, if the text is intended for a more academic or specialized audience, it may be best to avoid using contractions altogether.

In conclusion, the use of contractions in formal writing is no longer an absolute rule. While it`s still important to consider the tone, purpose, and audience of the text, using contractions can add a conversational tone and familiarity to the writing. Just remember to use contractions sparingly and selectively, and always ensure that the text remains professional and appropriate for its intended audience.

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