admin 8 de Julho de 2022 Nenhum comentário

Make Sentence with the Word Disagreement

Disagreement is a common occurrence in everyday life. It arises when people have opposing views or ideas about a particular topic. Disagreement can happen in all areas of human interaction, from simple conversations to complex business deals. Here are some sentences with the word disagreement to help you understand its usage in different contexts:

1. The disagreement between John and his wife about where to go on vacation grew more intense as they continued to talk.

2. The board members had a disagreement about the new marketing strategy proposed by the CEO.

3. The neighbors had a disagreement over the boundary line between their properties.

4. The committee members expressed their disagreement with the budgetary proposal put forward by the finance team.

5. The interview panel had a disagreement about who should be hired for the job.

6. The political leaders showed a disagreement over the policy issue during the debate.

7. The scientists had a disagreement about the results of their research study.

8. The students had a disagreement about the interpretation of a literary work.

9. The members of the jury had a disagreement about the verdict in the criminal case.

10. The friends had a disagreement about the best way to handle a difficult situation.

In conclusion, disagreement is a natural part of communication and can occur in different contexts. It is essential to handle disagreements with tact and diplomacy to avoid turning them into conflicts. As a professional, using the word “disagreement” in your content can help you attract readers looking for related topics.

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